[A4] share some pics

Brian J White brian at bjwhite.net
Sun Oct 3 16:18:53 EDT 2004

"E-codes" (I assume you mean headlights) don't need the "clear corner 
mod."  Looks like you have normal US-spec headlights with the clear corner 
mod done to them.

I just did European-spec taillights on my 2000 Avant.  They look red just 
like the stock US lights, but they blink amber instead of (stupid) red.

At 13:07 2004-10-03, Brizax at aol.com wrote:
>heres some pics of my ride, scroll to the right for more pics, i have the
>ecodes with clear coner mod and 18s , 1.1bar chip etc etc enjoy!

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