[A4] service notes

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Sun Oct 10 07:03:24 EDT 2004

	what is the purpose of that?

At 5:12 PM -0400 10/9/04, Brizax at aol.com wrote:
>i had to put 4.7 phm resistors on mine to get em to quit :o(*
>In a message dated 10/9/2004 4:48:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>brian at bjwhite.net writes:
>Yeah..I had an intermittent airbag light when we first bought our 
>A4.   Dealer took care of it, but
>the fix is as simple as disconnecting, cleaning the contacts and 
>reassembling connectors with
>Stabilant.   It's been fine since...(2 years)

  Rocky Mullin 


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