[A4] adding water to coolant tank

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Fri Jan 28 17:57:24 EST 2005

	always, always use distilled in radiators.

At 5:03 PM -0500 1/28/05, Gordie's Garage wrote:
>Tap water is probably fine, but I'm in hte habit of using distilled.
>Depending on your clime, I might mix some dextron with it.
>Gordie Bird
>'98 A41.8TQ
>'03 A6 3.0 Avant
>couple of old MGs
>>  I have a 2000 A4 2.8Q...slight coolant leak but nothing requiring
>>  major work
>>  at this point.  I am well below the minimum level in my
>>  tank...dealer says
>>  adding tap water is okay.  Your thoughts, anyone?  Any caveats here?
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  Rocky Mullin 

  "Evil kills those who perpetrate it, and the pastures of inequity
   are harmful"  - Osama Bin Laden


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