[A4] skid plate

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Wed Jul 6 12:48:25 EDT 2005

At 11:53 AM -0400 7/6/05, Peter Kirby wrote:
>Hi Rocky
>But is the stronger OEM pan strong enough to take a hit from a rock
>embedded in the road?

	ya know, i have no idea.  i haven't gone out and tried to
break it to see how strong it is.  i do know that i broke my stock
one on a water splash and replaced it with the OEM beefy model.  i
drive hard, and drive dirt roads sometimes up in norcal.  i like to
drive kind of WRC on those roads.

	i broke the beefy OEM model when i missed a turn into a
driveway and hit a rather high curb.  i guess you could call that
a rock.  it broke, but so did the subsubframe, oil pan, radiators,
intercooler, bumper, A-arm, etc.  actually the subframe broke and
basically pierced the engine.

>From what I saw of it, it looks like it is
>about twice as thick as the original and made out of fibreglass
>reinforced plastic.

	sounds about right.

>The road to get to our cottage has one or two spots where if I am not
>careful, I will hit the oil pan on rocks.

	two spots?  consider fixing the road, or an allroad quattro.

  Rocky Mullin 


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