[A4] life of the stock OEM battery

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Mon Oct 3 23:45:58 EDT 2005

	my 2000 A4 (february) is still running strong.  maybe because
there are fewer cylinders to crank?  :)

At 3:42 AM +0000 10/4/05, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>Noticed my 2001 S4 cranking slowly last month.  Still had the 
>factory battery in it.  Got it tested, and yep, it was dead. 
>Replaced it and all was well.  So 5 years is par for the course...
>-------------- Original message --------------
>>  I woke up this morning to a dead battery... I checked all my switches
>>  and as far as I can tell, I didn't leave anything on this weekend. AAA
>>  jumpstarted my battery, and the guy recommended I get a new battery. My
>>  car is a 2001 (purchased in August of 2000), so the battery is a good 5
>>  years old. Is this a reasonable time to get a new battery? (I've no
>>  idea what the normal lifespan is for a car battery)
>>  cheers,
>>  steve
>>  --
>>  stephen lau | steve at grommit.com | www.whacked.net | gpg 0x09e5cd21
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  Rocky Mullin 


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