[A4] Need a good source for new or used audi parts...

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Wed Oct 5 19:45:38 EDT 2005

	mine is getting replaced under the extended warranty.  i'll 
get the old part from them if you'd like to try it.only problem is a 
couple of lines across the display that c ome and go.

At 5:55 AM -0400 10/5/05, Richard Hurt wrote:
>So what did part(s) did you get exactly?  Was it the center console
>multifunction display?  Mine has faded so badly over the past 2 years
>that I can hardly make out the outside temp. or radio station.  Now I
>am getting nervous about my idiot "lights" that show up there - what
>happens if I can't see them anymore at some point?  I could be running
>around with a broken headlight, low coolant, or worse and not even
>know it (assuming I ignored the initial beep, the radio can get loud
>at times :)!
>Dad's quoted me the whole cluster for $250.  That doesnt sound like a
>bad deal really, but I like $210 better if that's what you've got.  On
>the flip side, I don't know how hard it would be to replace just the
>multifunction display.  I assume the console is just a plug and play
>event.  Anyone ever done this before?
>Sorry for the rant...it's early.  :/
>   Richard
>On 10/5/05, Robert A. King <gt40 at mail.ev1.net> wrote:
>>  Thanks for all the tips guys.  I found a source at a dealership
>>  that'll sell it to me for $210, new, shipped.
>>  -- Robert
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  Rocky Mullin 


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