[A4] oil filter part number?

Bryan Lally bryan at lally.org
Thu Oct 27 23:31:41 EDT 2005

Just got an '02 A4 Avant with 1.8T.  Much nicer than the '89 80 I had 
some time ago.

I'm aware of the engine sludge/synthetic oil/updated oil filter issue.

I went to the VW dealer to pick up an oil filter, as I don't know when 
the previous owner last changed the oil.  They gave me 06A 115 561 B. 
It looks like this is the older, smaller filter that's no longer 
recommended.  As far as I can tell, the newer filter is 068 115 561 B.

I can't get the filter off without a band wrench (it's on really tight), 
so I can't check the filter that's on the car yet.  It looks larger than 
the one the VW dealer gave me.

I ran down to Autozone and took a quick look - their filter guide got me 
to a filter the same size as the one the VW dealer gave me.

Can anyone confirm which part number I really want?  The nearest Audi 
dealer is 100 miles away ...  And of course I now have a car with no oil 
in it :-(

	- Bryan

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