[A4] Brake lamp replacement

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 08:44:35 EDT 2005

--- Single Malt <s_malt at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The "right brake lamp" warning is lit on our 2003 A4
> 3.0 sedan.  I picked up the replacement bulb and began
> the process of installing it this morning before she
> took the car to work.  Hah!  Not so straightforward.
> Referred to the owner's manual - "For your safety ..."
> they suggest all lamps are replaced by the dealer. 
> How about that?
> The trunk liner has a small round cover that can be
> pried back revealing a red pull tab.  I suspect this
> is my way to remove the trunk liner and reveal the
> back side of the tail light assembly.  Can anyone
> confirm this is the route to take?  TIA.

Can't help with the bulb replacement, but I recently had the right-front
turn signal light go bad on my car. It took me about 45 minutes to get the
headlight unit out of the car (including the time it took me to make a
special tool to reach the 4th hex-head bolt between the back of the
housing and the airbox). Frankly, once I eyeballed it, if I had been
closer to a service interval I would have let the dealer change it!!

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

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