[A4] Interior car care...

Thomas Hall thomaswhall at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 15:29:55 EDT 2006

  AutoMagic products work wonders and are long lasting:
  I use the number 33 magic dressing for all of the plastic
  the carpet dressing is great too
  I get them and an autopaint supply store around heere but it can be found online as well.
  1. Interior car care... (Nicholas Stock)
2. Re: Interior car care... (Calvyn)
3. New Car Search.... (Calvyn)
4. Re: New Car Search.... (Brandon Rogers)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 07:00:17 -0700
From: "Nicholas Stock" 
Subject: [A4] Interior car care...
To: A4qList 
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May I ask what you guys and gals recommend for interior car care? i.e. good
products for treating the leather seats and cleaning the vinyl dash etc?



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