[A4] Audi Leases / New Audi Buying Tips

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 23 11:34:16 EDT 2006

Calvyn <Calvyn at stny.rr.com> wrote:  Hi Everyone,

 Ok, so much for the sellin the Red-Rocket and buying a used '01-'04,
I'm going right for the jugular and lookin to lease an '06..
 In the rain yesterday the little lady and I went for a test drive
and ended up driving an '05 A4 2.0T QMS. Very nice car which contained most
of the convenience packages I was looking for. Thankfully is was a crappy
day cause I'd have been tagged as a sucker from the minute I walked onto the
lot from the foot wide smile on my face. We're waiting for the dealer to
take stock of an '06 A4 2.0T QMS Black on Black with the S-line package,
which should be this week.
 We're lookin to lease this car and wanted to know if anyone has any
pearls of wisdom or tips/tricks to be aware of. We've done quite a big of
research on leasing Audis and feel we know the lingo and are ready but I
wanted to fly it by the list since we're all in the same Audi boat.
 I drive less than 1000 miles a month thanks to my 2.8 mile commute,
but we'll probably go with the 12K/yr lease option, JIK. I've also got a
n00b of an Audi sales associate, only been with the company 3 weeks and I
ended up knowing more about the car then she did.. I'm not much of a
haggler, more of a keep quiet, hymn and haw, and hope they break type
 Unless if they give me a killer deal on my trade-in I'll probably
end up sellin the Red-Rocket myself.
 Any useful tips from the group whose been there done that?

Calvyn,  can't help you with the leasing part, I've never done that. But as far  as getting a good price up-front - I got what I felt was a very good  price from www.carsdirect.com - you can research and buy a car directly  from them, or get that price through an affiliated dealer. Their  affiliated dealer was further from my home than the local dealer, so I  went to the closer dealer and told them that this was what I wanted to  pay - told them it was from carsdirect.com and that I would happily  purchase the car from them (local dealer) if they would match the  price. Their best price was over $1000 higher so we walked out. While  we were sitting in our car in the parking lot, the salesman came  running out to say that gee, they WOULD match the price after all! That  felt pretty good.....
  At the time, the price I got was about invoice price.
  Dan D
  '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
  Central NJ USA

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