[A4] Window regulator/motor

Richard Hurt rnhurt at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 14:30:06 EDT 2006

I haven't messed with the A4 windows at all, but it sounds like a
limitswitch, not the door switch, to me.  Any thoughts?


On 8/21/06, Andy Lewis <a5lewis at yahoo.com> wrote:
> OK--checked the wires from the car to the door in the
> rubber boot.  All wires look fine and there is no
> insulation chaffing, or broken or frayed wires.  My
> next question is--if the switch is bad--can it also
> affect the operation of the window from the driver
> side switch, or even the key lock window close mech.
> I am wondering why if the switch is bad--why wouldn't
> the other switches work?  Same symptoms though--when
> the motor is out of the door, the passenger side
> switch will rotate the motor so the window goes
> down--but when you press for it to go up--the motor
> rotates in the down direction for a sec, then stops.
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