[A4] Oil Pan Crush Washer Size?

Stephen Kormilo stephen at kormilo.ca
Mon Dec 11 14:13:20 EST 2006


Thanks for the quick reply & the info. Guess I don't need to make a stop 
at the local FLAPS.

BTW, the 98.5 is an 'ex', so I don't have to worry about changing its 
oil any more ;-)

Stephen Kormilo
Nanoose Bay, BC

2002 Audi A4 3.0 - Silver
1998.5 Audi A4 2.8 - Silver
1985 Mazda Rx7 GSL-SE - Black

email: stephen at kormilo.ca

Jonathan Papamarkos wrote:
> Greeting Stephen,
> For your 2002, you do not need a crush washer since the washer is 
> already part of the drain plug.  This arrangement make it unnessecary to 
> replace the "crush" washer. If you do use a crush washer in addition, 
> you run the risk of an oil leak. 
> Also, I see that you own a 1998.  You can purchase the same drain plug 
> (with built on washer) for that car as well, this way you will never 
> need crush washers for oil changing.   Try www.ecstuning.com 
> <http://www.ecstuning.com> and look for the drain plug for 2000+ A4, it 
> should be under $2.00
> Best,
> Jonathan Papamarkos
> BTW - You'll need a 19mm wrench for the drain plug
> */Stephen Kormilo <stephen at kormilo.ca>/* wrote:
>     Any one know the size of the oil pan drain plug crush washer on a 2002
>     A4 3.0? I intend to change the oil in my car soon and would like to
>     have
>     the correct size crush washer on hand before starting the process.
>     Stephen Kormilo
>     Nanoose Bay, BC
>     2002 Audi A4 3.0 - Silver
>     Departed:
>     1998.5 Audi A4 2.8 - Silver
>     1985 Mazda Rx7 GSL-SE - Black
>     email: stephen at kormilo.ca
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