[A4] Bizarre happenings ...

Brizax at aol.com Brizax at aol.com
Sat Dec 23 04:51:19 EST 2006

fuck them, go to a independent European car repair shop 

I had to  tow (AAA) my car to the dealer (no one else is there around here). 
Finally  the service rep. called me and told me the following need to be  

1. Oil Cooler
2. Upper Oil Cooler hose
3. Lower Oil  Cooler hose
4. Lower Radiator hose
5. Lower cross-over hose
6. Coolant  templerature sensor

As I expected, it isn't cheap to repair this car. The  total damage for all 
parts and labor = $1390. Do you think this is a fair  amount to be charged? 
Is it all mostly  labor?


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