[A4] Sale of A4/Purchase of A3

Brian O'Connell boconnell at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 17:25:25 EST 2006

True, no quattro, but with ESP and traction control, I
should be fine in Houston.  Interior is better (molded
plastics are more dead sounding/feeling) than those in
98 A4.  Can't compare to later A4 model.

The only comparable car that I can think of is the
R32, with which you get the VW all-wheel drive system.

But bottom line, I bought it as a driver's car, so
didn't splurge for the options since they won't affect
the driving experience.  My perspective is that it is
a practical version of the Mini Cooper S, which I'm
about to experience first hand this weekend when I
visit my parents in Boston - they have one.


--- Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net> wrote:

> At 12:44 PM -0800 2/16/06, Brian O'Connell wrote:
> >
> >Downsides:
> 	non-quattro, less swanky interior.
> 	but damn they are a blast to drive and amazingly
> quick.
> -- 
>   Rocky Mullin 
>   http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/images/war.008.gif

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