[A4] (no subject)

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Mon Feb 27 02:14:22 EST 2006

	it would only take a 100 mile per way commute.  lots of people
do that.  also it would explain low brake pad wear :)

At 9:23 PM -0800 2/24/06, Stephen Lau wrote:
>i have to ask... how'd you ring up 100k miles on a 2003 model??? how
>much do you drive?
>On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 01:57:53AM +0000, William DeHaan wrote:
>>  Well, I just turned in my '03 A4 tq w/ 99,130 miles.  I did the timing belt
>>  and water pump at 87,000 miles!!!  I know, I know...pushing it.  The brake
>>  pads were original!  Other than synthetic oil changes at 5k and the sch.
>>  maint. for the first 50k I spent not a penny on this car.  Wait... I did buy
>>  1 windshield wiper a gas cap and a turn signal light bulb.  I drive like i'm
>>  driving the 24 hours of Le Mans everyday (highway miles) and I'm very
>>  satisfied with the durability of the A4.  My '00 A4tq required more money
>>  for sure, but it was chipped and driven even harder.  I now have a '06 A4tq,
>>  I can only hope it holds up as well.  (*although I probably just jinxed it).
>>    By the way, my wife's A6 Avant w/ 76,000 miles has all sorts of problems
>>  (suspension, fuel-inj. seals, lots of interior problems).
>>  Bill D.
>>  A4 supporter
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  Rocky Mullin 


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