[A4] oil filter

Gordie's Garage audidoodie at comcast.net
Tue Feb 28 20:53:46 EST 2006

Dan, there's a new (to us) synth oil out by the makers of Pentosin.  It's
called Pentosynth and it's pretty pricey, but my local tech swears by it.  I
get it from ECS tuning in Ohio (I think).  It's approved by VW, Audi,
I've switched the wifes A6 and I'll switch my A4 next oil change.


> sdewitt at stx.rr.com wrote:  Yes Audi enlarged the A4 oil 
> fiters in a TSB which also decreased the oil change interval 
> from 10K miles to 5 k miles, and mandated synthetic oil. 
> Purlator probably didn't bother updating their catalogs...
> It's  apparently the same filter that was used on the VW 
> Rabbit diesel in the  early '80's - that's what it said on 
> the box of the first one I bought  from the dealer. And it 
> was actually only the first oil change interval  that was 
> changed, starting with the 2004 models - 5k, 15k, 25k, 35k.  
> Those are the free changes under the Audi Advantage coverage, 
> versus  10k, 20k, 30k, 40k for the previous B6 1.8T's. Hard 
> to believe they  still recommend 10k intervals, even with 
> synthetic oil.
>   I am doing 5k intervals with the OEM filter and Mobil1 0w-40.
>   Dan D
>   '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
>   Central NJ USA

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