[A4] Anyone out there with Bluetooth in their A4/A6/A8?

Nicholas Stock nickstock at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 12:55:49 EST 2006

Glenn, I've got the same car with Bluetooth, and although I don't have
the phone to use it with yet, it recognizes my voice OK (despite the
British accent!!).

I agree with your comments, I love this car....a real move forward
from the 2000 A4 1.8T I had previously...even though I loved that one


On 1/31/06, gsackerson at comcast.net <gsackerson at comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi group,
>  If any of you have the Audi technology package with bluetooth for use with your cell phone, I'd be interested to hear if your voice recognition software recognizes your voice well when using a dial command? I've been having a problem with the software misintrepreting my voice and wondered if it's just my voice or my car, or a problem others may be having. I have an A4 2.0T/Quattro, by the way, and other than the above experience, I love the car - it's a significant step forward even from my former 2002 A4 1.8T!
> Cheers,
> Glenn
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