[A4] Anyone out there with Bluetooth in their A4/A6/A8?

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Tue Jan 31 12:59:34 EST 2006

	ya know, i was told mine has bluetooth, but apparently it does
not.  any idea on what the cost/difficulty is of adding this feature?

At 5:31 PM +0000 1/31/06, gsackerson at comcast.net wrote:
>Hi group,
>   If any of you have the Audi technology package with bluetooth for 
>use with your cell phone, I'd be interested to hear if your voice 
>recognition software recognizes your voice well when using a dial 
>command? I've been having a problem with the software 
>misintrepreting my voice and wondered if it's just my voice or my 
>car, or a problem others may be having. I have an A4 2.0T/Quattro, 
>by the way, and other than the above experience, I love the car - 
>it's a significant step forward even from my former 2002 A4 1.8T!
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  Rocky Mullin 


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