[A4] new / used a4

Brian J White brian at bjwhite.net
Fri Jul 7 16:13:11 EDT 2006

What is in its class?   The Volvo V70 XC.....that's about it.   The 
Subaru Outback I guess could be considered, but it's really 
rudimentary compared to even the Volvo, let alone the Audi.

At 12:58 2006-07-07, Rocky Mullin wrote:

>         the allroad is actually worst in its class, mileage-wise.  it's why
>i didn't get one.
>At 6:07 PM +0000 7/7/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>>I recently got a '01 silver allroad 6 speed with 84k miles on it 
>>for $15,800.  Nice enough car, very large, doesn't do well on 
>>gas.  I sold it shortly after buying it and got out 
>>clean.  Dynamically it wasn't what I was looking for.

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