[A4] new / used a4

Brian J White brian at bjwhite.net
Fri Jul 7 17:34:11 EDT 2006

Heh.   The 6-speed Allroad is actually my wife's car.   I drive the 
E39 540i 6-speed.  <g>

At 14:09 2006-07-07, Rocky Mullin wrote:

>         i'm pretty much over the "must have a manual thing" in the car
>i share with my wife, which is our only car.  i get off enough shifting
>my six speed bikes.  it used to be a dealbreaker for me, though.  if my
>lease offer had been on a tip, i'd have taken it.  we live in san francisco
>though, a very unique place in which to drive.
>         reliability of the benzes, though, i can't agree about.

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