[A4] To change or Not to change all four tires

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Tue Jun 20 23:32:23 EDT 2006

	all four, lest you fuck up your diffs.

	you can also find a race-oriented car shop who might be able to
wear down the new rubber to the same diameter.  that works too.

At 11:47 PM +0000 6/20/06, Venkat Venkataratnam wrote:
>I have '98 A4 2.8 Quattro. I just had a flat on one of my tires (rear one)
>on the side wall. Should I change just the two rear ones or all the four?
>The rear two might have lasted just couple of more months.
>The front two are in very good shape. I would hate to replace them.
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  Rocky Mullin 


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