[A4] oil filter

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 1 12:08:46 EST 2006

Gordie's Garage <audidoodie at comcast.net> wrote:  Dan, there's a new (to us) synth oil out by the makers of Pentosin.  It's
called Pentosynth and it's pretty pricey, but my local tech swears by it.  I
get it from ECS tuning in Ohio (I think).  It's approved by VW, Audi,
I've switched the wifes A6 and I'll switch my A4 next oil change.

What  does he like about it versus Mobil1, Gordie? Was it available in Europe  and is now just available here? I've had good luck so far with the M1,  I'm kind of loathe to mess with what's worked for me so far...
  Dan D
  '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
  Central NJ USA

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