[A4] going to replace a timing belt - update

Bryan Lally bryan at lally.org
Fri Mar 3 23:34:56 EST 2006

Bryan Lally wrote:
> I recently got an '02 A4 Avant with a 1.8T.  61k miles at this point.  I 
> like the car and am planning on keeping it, so I'm going to do a timing 
> belt in a couple of weeks.

Update on my timing belt adventure.  Jim at Dieselgeek.com sent me a 
nice kit.  The belt is in, new water pump, new tensioner pulley, new 
tensioner, etc.  Everything has gone smoothly and it's now going back 

Now I need a hint.  I've got a new thermostat sitting here.  The 
alternator is out, the tstat bolts (3) are out, the clips are off the 
hoses.  In theory, it should pull right out.

How do I get it out?  The tstat is between the block and a metal coolant 
pipe.  This pipe was attached to the tstat by one of the bolts.  It 
doesn't want to move away from the tstat, the tstat doesn't want to 
seperate from the block.

Sure, I can destroy the tstat.  But I don't want to damage the metal 
pipe and it doesn't feel like it's ready to move.  Should I just pry it off?

I'm thinking about leaving the old tstat in there.  But I don't really 
like that idea - I'm this far in and I've got a new one sitting on the 


Oh yeah - this is a B6, motor code AMB, and the tstat is different from 
a B5.

	- Bryan

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