[A4] Fuel Tank-Pump-Gauge Issues?

Phil Yee philter at myway.com
Fri May 12 14:22:34 EDT 2006

 For the past month, my gas gauge has been acting strange.  The gauge will jump around a bit (due to hanging turns, level when I turn on the car differs from the previous level when i turned it off, i get a low reading then fill up only 10 gals max).  I tried using Chevron, which I've heard is a better detergent gasoline, and the gauge became a little more stable.  I've found a few references to a "transfer pump" that constantly moves the gas over the hump in the gas tank that accomodates the quattro drive shaft, but i cannot find it in my bentley manual, nor online.  Does anyone know about this transfer pump?  Is it a part of the in-tank fuel pump?  When I turn the car on, but no ignition start, I do not hear a humming in the trunk (which I think I used, which I've read is the transfer pump). Thanks,-Phil

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