[A4] Brakes & Rotors Update

Aaron Jongbloedt jungle at hickorytech.net
Mon Nov 27 13:09:06 EST 2006

Why would the A4 be any different than any other car?  You shouldn't 
have to use the vagcom to cycle the abs pump unless you want to make 
sure ALL of the old fluid is out or you are replacing bits to the actual 
ABS system.  Otherwise the standard pressure bleeder is fine, and work 
from the furthest away wheel to the closest.  Someone correct me if I am 


thejimrose wrote:
> there are a couple tricks to bleeding the a4. the stasis website
> actually has several good tech articles on brake maintenance and
> bleeding.
> the gist with the a4 is that you have to bleed the system, then use a
> scan tool or vag com to cycle the abs pump, then rebleed the whole
> system to get the reserviors in the abs pump cleared out. audiworld
> has a writeup on it if you search.
> i just upgraded to the tt carier / a8 rotor and used slotted brembos
> and porterfield r4s's. theyre really nice. little squeaky but great
> feel and bite. and very low dust.
> as for lines, i replaced my lines with new stock lines and with new
> fluid [motul 5.1] it feels great. i was going to go stainless but
> cheaped out. fwiw ive NEVER heard of braided lines failing on any of
> the several boards i subscribe to. you can get them with an outer
> nylon sleeve, i think stasis makes a set to prevent the possibility of
> this happening. no affiliation, but thats what i'd buy just to be
> safe.
> good luck,
> jim
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Aaron J. Jongbloedt
Sabis Educational Systems Network Administrator
It is better to wear out than it is to rust out.

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