[A4] brake bleeding

thejimrose thejimrose at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 12:46:55 EST 2006

i didnt check my bentley but i wonder if the abs pump removal /
install section has details on this?  it has been documented elsewhere
- stasis had a writeup on their website for bleeding abs equipped cars
but it seems to have been taken down.

you don't 'need' to bleed the abs when you change lines. however the
controller has small reserviours that hold fluid, and it can be bled.
the stasis writeup was based on the a4/s4 and advised bleeding the
brakes, cycling the pump [why else would the vagcom have this ability
if not to bleed the abs pump?] and then rebleeding to get the old
fluid purged from the pump out of the system.

i need to bleed my brakes this weekend and plan to do it this way.
it's probably a tiny [insignificant?] amount of fluid in the abs pump,
but brake fluid is cheap.

also remember not to use fluid that has been opened and sitting for a
while. get a new sealed container since the fluid will absorb air and
'spoil' very quickly

> In the routine maintenance chapter the Bentley manual for the A4 (B6)
> doesn't say anything about the abs for bleeding the brakes.
> Says to use fluid that "corresponds to US standard FMVSS 116 DOT 4".
> Fill pressure of 1 bar should not be exceeded (14.5 psi).
> Then bleed:
> 1. clutch (if manual)
> 2. RR
> 3. RL
> 4. FR
> 5. FL
> Also says to extract 0.4 - 0.5 liters from each caliper (only .1 from the
> clutch)
> --Art
> >

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