[A4] Subject: Re: audi project UPDATE
thejimrose at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 16:37:38 EDT 2006
thanks brandon! that means a lot from a 20v urq guy.. =) ill trade you rides
one o these days?!
its been fun and a heck of a leanrning experience. i ALMOST ditched it for
an s4 as well, but i had the parts and figuerd why not. i love not having a
car payment and the low-impact of this car. cheap insurance, easy to work
on, and parking lot dings no longer bother me. "team ugly racing" as it
the 1.8 is about 400 lbs lighter than an s4. big ups in my book. hopefully
once its sorted ill be able to keep my modded s4 buddies in sight.
On 10/3/06, Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:
> Sounds awesome. This is exactly what I was thinking about doing some
> months back...instead ended up with an '01 S4...
> But I gotta say I still see the attraction of the 1.8T - the 1.8T cars
> really do drive lighter than the 2.7tt cars and the shifter and brakes
> on my 1.8T have a much better feel than on the S4.
> Anyway - cool upgrades - I'm enjoying your posts.
> Brandon
> '84 urquattro 20Vt
> '01.5 S4
> '98 A4 1.8Tq
> -----Original Message-----
> From: a4-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:a4-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
> Of thejimrose
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11:18 AM
> To: a4 at audifans.com; Dave Tong; Jeff Galisky (jgalisky); Andrew; S P;
> mike obrien
> Subject: [A4] Subject: Re: audi project UPDATE
> hey all - quick update on the a4 project from h3ll: took her out for her
> maiden voyage last night. WHOA is all i can say. what a difference. it's
> rough and needs fine tuning but the potential is awesome. she threw a
> bunch of codes. vagcom'd it this am and got 2; 02 sensor and abs wheel
> sensor. i replaced an 02 and pulled out the abs sensor to do the strut,
> so i'll check to see if i damaged it or put it in wrong. i understand
> theyre pretty fragile. [FRA-GEE-LEE, it's italian!]. im really happy it
> wasnt throwing more codes wince i had the whole intake, turbo, etc
> apart. it would have sucked to redo that.
> its my 1st time with the vagcom, what a cool tool. took a while to
> figure it out [borrowed cable and shareware download] but it rules. a
> window into the soul of this maligned beast. a very nicely sorted
> interface tho, comapred to something like my ice>link which just works
> so.... beta. i feel so NASA with my laptop in my car. my neighbor came
> by [shared garage] and was like 'whoa..' gave me that 'youre some kind
> of.. mad scientist' look. =)
> so the alignment is WAY off. i need to get that sorted today. but the
> car GOES, it seems to run hot, comes up to temp instantly and was WICKED
> hot when i shut it off. hotter it seeems then nomal. of course i did
> blast around the block 5 times at WOT then shut it right down. not that
> bright, actually. the temp gauge was dead center. i'm happy about that
> since i went pretty deep into the cooling system. WHEW! all that happy
> new pink coolant.
> the suspension is awesome [neuspeed sport w/ groved bilstein sports, NS
> rear sway]. i just went around the block a few times but holy crap it
> feels so tight and new. NO body roll on left to right ransitions. just
> flicks side to side. the NS rear bar is really nice - mounts right up,
> and has nice triangulated brackets for each side to stiffen the sway
> mounts. very slick. it does sit really low, which im not happy about,
> but the spring compressors i borrowed wouldn't let me squish the springs
> enuff for the higher-ride settings on the struts. i might redo them at
> some point, but it raises a
> question: how do the grooves/clips on the strut body [which allow you to
> change the height of the lower spring seat on the strut realtive to the
> top+bottom shock mounts] change the ride height, as they are purported
> top+to?
> it seems to me that the ride height is dictated by the shock legnth, how
> much distance there is between the lower a arm and the top strut mount.
> i understand that the spring supports / suspends the car and the shock
> dampens its motion, but it seems that changing the height of the lower
> spring seat would just pre-compress the spring and not really 'raise'
> the car?
> maybe thats it, the spring under more compression pushes harder which
> forces the car up a bit. but if that's correct then it's likely at the
> expense of ride quality since you're always riding around on more
> tensioned [compressioned?] springs? hmm...
> anywhoo it feels great. the brakes are noisy / grindy as hell but i need
> to bed them in and ill report back. they're ecstuning cad plated,
> slotted rotors. the finish on the rotors is pretty rough. have to say im
> underwhelmed with the quality of the carriers and the rotors.
> also - i got 'optimal' brand control arm set from germanautoparts - very
> nice guys, GREAT prices and service but these are suposed to be oem
> quality and theyre GARBAGE. nothing like the meyle or febi. fair
> warning. always check your brands. the TRE's literally fell apart
> putting them on. the upper CA's seemed passable, but i imagine ill be
> doing them again in not too long. =( fingers x'd...
> this weekend the exhaust goes in [full apr], boost gauge to see whats
> what, and ill log blocks on the vag to see what the motors up to. i
> really need an adjustable fpr with a gauge and a wideband 02 to dial the
> fuel in, which are about 500$ from 034. of course EVERY time i talk to
> javad it costs me 500$..
> =)
> later
> jim
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