[A4] A4 Digest, Vol 36, Issue 17

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Wed Oct 25 19:49:08 EDT 2006

At 11:20 PM +0000 10/25/06, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>The K04 on the 1.8T won't really lag anymore than the K03 will. 
>It'll just extend your usable power band by about 700-1000 rpm.  In 
>my mind, Audi shouldn't have farted around with the K03 at all for 
>the A4/S4, it's clearly too small a turbo for the motor, they 
>should've just used the K04 to begin with.

	driveability, reliability, mileage.  they make cars for the
mass market, not for speed enthusiasts :)


"I hope you weren't stupid enough to be offended by what I said"
                                                        -Arnold Schoenberg

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