[A4] Dipstick

Richard Hurt rnhurt at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 20:22:42 EDT 2006


I think your probably all right.  As long as you got most of it just get a
new one from the dealer, snap it on, and don't worry too much about it.  You
could change the oil and sift through it to see if you got it all.  Bet even
then, there is a good chance that there was at least some breakage in the
tank.  Really, the only thing to do is to tear down the engine - and it's
not really worth all that.

This exact same thing happened to me in a VW Rabbit and I replaced the part
and went on with no trouble at all.  I think your fine.


On 9/4/06, Ken Witherell <withrl at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Please give me some advice on a dipstick.  I was
> checking the oil on my 2002 A4 1.8T today and heard a
> small click when pulling out the dipstick.  The best I
> can determine is that a small plastic piece broke off
> one of the two tabs located on the trunk of the
> dipstick.  The top tab came off in my hands, but I
> suspect a small piece 2mm by 4mm could have fallen in
> as I pulled the dipstick out.
> Do I have worries?  I have not driven the car since
> this happened.  Don't know if I am paranoid or not.  I
> started the car and thought I could hear some clicking
> after slight rev'ing, then it goes away at idle.  Any
> advice? Will it be filtered out, should I drive the
> car?
> Thanks,  Withrl
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