[A4] Cruise Control and AC compressor.

Richard Hurt rnhurt at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 16:16:58 EDT 2007


#2 Pop the hood and make sure it's the compressor causing all the racket.  I
currently have a bad AC condenser fan and every time the compressor kicks on
the fan wobbles in it's bracket so much I think it's going to shoot out at
me.  :)  I'm thinking the bushings|bearings are shot and I should be able to
rebuild the electric motor and be good to go.

On a similar note, has anyone R&R'd an A/C cooling fan before?  Any tips?
Do I have to put the radiator in service mode?  Any tips on putting the
radiator in service mode?  :)


On 4/11/07, Tyson Varosyan <tyson at up-times.com> wrote:
> My car is a 98 A4 30V and I have a few issues.
> #1 My Cruise Control does not work at all. Been that way since I bought
> the
> car in February. Where do I start looking for the problem?
> #2 Although the AC is still cranking, the compressor makes a loud racket
> when engaged. Sounds like a REAL BAD lifter when at idle, but it certainly
> is coming from the AC system as I can make it go away with a push of a
> button. It sound like sure cries of death from the compressor... Is this
> fixable, or will I need to get it replaced?
> Tyson Varosyan
> Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
> tyson at up-times.com
> www.up-times.com
> 206-715-TECH (8324)
> UpTime/OnTime/AnyTime
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