[A4] A4 clutchless shifting

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Fri Apr 20 02:19:20 EDT 2007

On Apr 19, 2007, at 11:17 AM, Tyson Varosyan wrote:

> Your friend has issues is he wore through a clutch in 1-2 years!  
> Unless he
> was competitively drag racing (which means that he has issues  
> anyway) he
> needs to re-learn how to drive a stick and get rid of bad habits.  
> With the
> quality of stock clutches on these cars, I would be surprised that  
> even "bad
> driving" would cause this kind of wear. He was either dragging a  
> lot or he
> is one of those people that hold the clutch down at red lights.

is that how it's supposed to be?  i pull it out of gear and let the  
out at stops, but mainly out of laziness.

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