[A4] Tire Size Debate

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Thu Mar 8 23:57:04 EST 2007

i had some falkens on my B5 and loved them.

i generally just spend a few hours on tire
rack when i want something, which is never,
not that i lease and run my own nokians in

On Mar 8, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Tom Love wrote:

> I have the Avid V4S on my Avant and I like them but for quite a bit  
> less you
> can get the Kumho ASX which my son put on his A4 and for the $$ I  
> feel they
> are a better deal than the Yoko. I am not a fan of Dunlop. They all  
> seem to
> get noisy after about 15k miles. I even put the ASX on my 4kq and I am
> pleased. Buy 2 Potenza's and you will now have 4 and you are not  
> too pleased
> with the ones you have. Maybe for about $75 more get 4 new matched  
> ASX's.
> Tirerack is great but you might do better checking Ebay and get a  
> great
> price then trade your good used Bridgestone's to a independent guy  
> for all
> or partial cost of mounting and balancing. my 2 cents
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Hurt" <rnhurt at gmail.com>
> To: "A4 Mailing List" <a4 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 5:28 PM
> Subject: [A4] Tire Size Debate
>> Ok,
>>  Where did we leave the the tire size debate when replacing  
>> tires?  On one
>> side we had people that said that you absolutely must have the  
>> same age
>> tires on all 4 corners.  If one tire failed for any reason you had to
>> purchase all 4 to make sure there were no size differences no  
>> matter how
>> small.  In the other camp we had people that said that as long as  
>> you had
>> the same original size replacements you were OK.  A little tire  
>> wear was
>> not
>> going to make the Quattro system work any harder or damage it in  
>> any way.
>> The reason I ask is that I had a tire self destruct today after  
>> losing air
>> pressure due to a nail.  Now I am faced with purchasing two new  
>> tires or
>> all
>> four.  I am in the "a little wear wont hurt" camp but would like  
>> to hear
>> from others on the subject.  Also, what are the current  
>> recommendations to
>> replace a damaged Bridgestone Potenza RE950.  They don't make them  
>> anymore
>> and I didn't really like them in the first place.  I generally like
>> Bridgestone but the RE950s are really really loud.  :(
>> I'm currently looking at the Potenza G 009 (recommended by my tire  
>> guy),
>> Dunlop SP Sport A2 Plus, Sumitomo HTR H4, Yokohama AVID V4S,  
>> Fuzion HRi,
>> and
>> the Michelin Pilot Exalto A/S.  Tirerack is my dealer of choice,  
>> but I'm
>> willing to look elsewhere.
>> Thanx!
>>  Richard
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