[A4] Tow Hitch

Tyson Varosyan tyson at up-times.com
Sat Mar 24 05:55:07 EDT 2007

Hi Guys,


I got a 98 A4Q 2.8L. I have seen a few running around town with light-duty
tow hitches on the back. I would like to get one. Are they bolt-on? If not,
what has to be tweaked. And where do I get one?


By the way, the strap-to-the trunk bike carriers are utter CRAP! If you care
about your paint job in the least degree, save yourself the $90 and leave it
on the shelf at the store. The 2-bike carrier barely fit our 2 sport bikes
and only then, with the front tires removed. The rack tore off my plate
frame. And after one of the bikes was removed, the load of the second bike
unbalanced the rack sufficiently to become dislodged from its mounting
points while driving and allow the front fork of the bike to dig into my
trunk lid. There is no way to make the straps tighter and even if there was,
I think that the strain on the sheet-metal of the trunk may be sufficient to
dent it. 


I may buy a jet ski this summer or a Hobie Cat sailboat. A tow hitch would
go well with those as well as well as a hitch-mounted bike carrier.


Tyson Varosyan
Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
tyson at up-times.com
000/www.up-times.com> www.up-times.com 
206-715-TECH (8324)


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