[A4] Selling (trading) my A4. Have some stuff for sale
thejimrose at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 14:00:20 PST 2007
[simplifying] The ecu calculates how much fuel to inject based on this
signal from the air meter. if your diverter is expelling metered air out to
atmosphere, then the ecu thinks there is more air entering the engine than
actual, so it overfuels. aka you're running rich. no bueno. will the motor
blow up? probably not. is it ideal? nope. so why run it that way when a 710n
is 30$ from the dealer?
oh and sorry, i should have qualified.. "any good manufacturer, that will
try not to sell you the wrong part". because "works" and "right" are not the
On Nov 6, 2007 9:12 AM, Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net> wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2007, at 5:38 AM, thejimrose wrote:
> > sorry dude but i'm not wrong. you admit it doesn't work by
> > suggesting that if you only crack it, you avoid the cel.
> careful now, i didn't actually say "you are wrong". i said that your
> statement is inaccurate. the GFB BOV has multiple settings. it works
> on some of the settings, not on others. this is true of many things
> in our world and it is also inaccurate to say that they "don't work".
> it is by design that you adjust it to suit the complicated matrix of
> conditions revolving around your car, your driving style, your location,
> and your ECU software. i had it in my A4, and it worked. it vented
> pressure to the atmosphere with a loud woosh sound, and the check engine
> light never went on. that's why your "don't work" statement is
> inaccurate:
> it *did* work. that's all i'm sayin'.
> the manufacturer specs this part for the A4 1.8t through, i believe,
> 2005. as they are a seller of blow off valves, this also renders
> your statement that "any seller will say the same" inaccurate.
> > it's very well documented that the maf / ecu setup of the a4 is
> > designed to work with a bypass or diverter valve. the ecu needs to
> > account for the air that is escaping to atmosphere.
> >
> > any ofrum you search, any tuner you speak to, and any seller of
> > bypass / blowoff valves will say the same [check turboxs's site, the
> > only bpv hey sell if for metered air setups like the audi].
> >
> > sell it on a honda forum and buy my adjustable hyperboost so i can
> > get a new apr. or just get a 710n valve which is just as good [or
> > better] than an fancy aftermarket valve, albeit with a shorter
> > lifespan due to the diaphragm failure every 20-30k.
> >
> > On Nov 5, 2007 6:08 PM, Rocky Mullin <caliban at sharon.net> wrote:
> >
> > that is inaccurate. i used this blow off valve on my car with great
> > success. it's true that if you dial it open too much, you will get
> > a check engine light. dial it down to about three clicks and you get
> > the WOOSH sound and the ECU stays happy.
> >
> > my ECU was APR, though, dunno if that made a difference. i did get
> > the CE light when i dialed it open too much, though.
> >
> > On Nov 5, 2007, at 6:01 PM, thejimrose wrote:
> >
> > > blow off valves dont work on a4's. the ecu needs to meter the air it
> > > blows off.
> > >
> > > --
> > > --------------------------------------------------------
> > > cheap, reliable, powerful. pick two.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > cheap, reliable, powerful. pick two.
cheap, reliable, powerful. pick two.
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