[A4] A4 Digest, Vol 49, Issue 10
Ken Witherell
withrl at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 30 12:04:39 PST 2007
Could it be a Coil? Just went through this on my 02
1.8T non-chipped car.
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. FW: A4 1.8T B6 Quatty Limp Mode - Reset? (Adam
> A. Luy)
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 23:56:17 -0700
> From: "Adam A. Luy" <Adam at Layer7Labs.com>
> Subject: [A4] FW: A4 1.8T B6 Quatty Limp Mode -
> Reset?
> To: <a4 at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
<38ACD117DB24914B91EA6FCA03158D1527AB at frontier.routersinc.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello All,
> Here's the story...just had my 2002 A4 1.8T Avant
> Quattro 5-Speed Manual (75k miles) chipped with GIAC
> software via flashloader today by Evolution
> Motorsports - they are local to me. This is the only
> perf mod on the car. On the way home it is running
> fan-freakin-tastic - WOW! - I'm having fun.
> I get within a block of my house and decide to rev &
> dump the clutch from a stand still to see what a
> launch is like with my new found torque. As soon as
> I do this - seems like before I even let the clutch
> out all the way - CEL starts flashing and now the
> car seems like it's running on three cylinders. No
> mechanical nastiness noise, but bumpy idle, flashing
> CEL, definite lack of power, and the whole chassis
> kinda shakes at idle from the rough running, like
> one cylinder isn't doing it's job. If it were not
> electronic ignition I would say it feels like the
> timing was way off. Turned the car on/off a bunch of
> times, disco'd battery and let it sit - the problem
> persists.
> One thing I notice different is when I turn the car
> on (don't engage starter), there is a high pitch
> whine from the drivers side of the engine
> compartment. It sounds for about two minutes and
> then goes off. When I actually start the car, the
> CEL won't come on for maybe 30-45 seconds - and if I
> start and rev it to 3000rpm right away and hold it
> there the CEL won't come on. Only when I let it drop
> down to idle will the CEL come on and stay on until
> I power cycle the car. It's not smoking or
> overheating, don't hear any boost leaks, and nothing
> is leaking.
> Any idears? I went from stoked to dumbstruck very
> rapidly.
> ANY help is VERY much appreciated, and many thanks
> in advance,
> -Adam
> PS - Yes, I'm calling Evolution Motorsports (chip
> flasher) first thing in the morning.
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> End of A4 Digest, Vol 49, Issue 10
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