[A4] Smashed A4
Brian J White
brian at bjwhite.net
Tue Oct 16 11:10:00 PDT 2007
That's quite a normal repair. Basically, the quarter is too stressed
to be straightened and you'd end up with a ton of mud in it. They
basically cut out the old and weld in a factory quarter panel. Not
all that different to how the car was built in the first place. To
those not in the know, it sounds really odd or bad, but it's fine.
Not only that but all cars have been galvanized since what, the mid
1980s? Early 90s for some of them? I'd say all body shops have
experience with galvanized metals.
And, by the way, our Audi Allroad was hit in a very similar
way....repair was fine.
At 11:03 2007-10-16, Peter Kirby wrote:
>I'd get a second opinion about cutting out a chunk. I'd suggest
>taking it to a garage that is recommended by your Audi dealer: one
>that would be very familiar with repairing galvanized panels.
>'01 A4 1.8tq
>On 10/16/07, Dan DiBiase <d_dibiase at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > My wife was rear-ended on Friday while driving my A4 to work. No
> injuries, it was a low-speed collision. Pictures are at -
> >
> > http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c30/ddibiase/Audi/
> >
> > Damage estimate is $3k. Repair guy told me that to fix the
> quarter-panel, they cut the entire panel out starting from about
> 1/3 of the way up the C-pillar.... THAT ought to make for an
> interesting repair. Of course, my daughter said, 'Will there be a
> line there?'. ;-)
> >
> > So anyone ever had that type of repair done to their car?? The
> shop it is at has a very good rep (and also a 6-week backlog!).
> >
> > Thx,
> >
> > Dan D
> > '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6 - dented
> > Central NJ USA
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