[A4] Potential A4 Conflagration

Richard Andrews richard.j.andrews at gmail.com
Fri Dec 26 18:44:52 PST 2008

Sounds like a great way to get outta a b5 lemon.

I've never heard of this before but suppose anything is possible.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Doug Harrison <S6overMT at montana.net> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have a 1998 model with the 2.8 5V (AHA) engine with about 120K on the
> clock.  When temps fall below 0 degrees F, upon starting (if it starts at),
> all 6 fuel injectors leak copious amounts of fuel externally at what appears
> to be the area below the plastic electrical connection on the injector body.
>  As this is happening, with fire extinguisher in hand, the engine runs fine
> and warms up normally with no engine fault codes thrown (had 2 throttle body
> fault codes earlier, but they did not return after clearing) .  The
> injectors do not leak at all when starting above about 10 degrees or when at
> normal operating temps.  The (12) injector seals were very recently replaced
> along with a new fuel pressure regulator (and there is good vacuum at the
> regulator).  Have not gauged fuel pressure yet or checked fuel return lines
> for blockage.
> Before I throw $600+ at a new set of injectors, have I missed something?
>  Anyone hear of defective injectors in these cars under extreme cold?  Any
> ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks much.
> Doug H.
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