[A4] Clutch Woes - Round 2

Nicholas Stock nickstock at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 19:22:12 PDT 2008

Richard, on my 2000 A4 1.8T, there was a nipple on the top of the gearbox
housing which I believe was the master cylinder bleed (I could be wrong..but
fluid definitely came out under pressure, it's been a while!). I used a
motive power bleeder when doing my brakes and bled the clutch at the same
time (probably not that necessary..but I thought, what the hell...). I
purchased the motive power bleeder from ECS tuning, but I'm sure you can
find it elsewhere...hope this helps!
Does the Bentley not indicate where the clutch bleed is?



On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Richard Hurt <rnhurt at gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, I just replaced both the master & slave clutch cylinders on my '98 Q
> 30v
> and boy was it fun!  The master was by far the hardest and took a couple of
> hours.  The secret to my installation was to use the firewall seal/steel
> washer off of the old master.  The new seal was too big for me to get in
> properly.  I'm talking about the seal that goes around the main line
> against
> the firewall - it only keeps out the rain and drafts and should be fine to
> use the old one.  The slave was really not too bad at all.  I took off the
> drivers side front tire and had my Dad guide me in.
> Now for the big question: how the hell do you bleed the clutch system!?!?!
> We tried the old 2-man manual method but didn't get anywhere.  We also
> tried
> the tube in a mason jar method with about the same results.  I looked a
> little bit on-line and it seems like our cars (+ SAAB & Volvo) require a
> pressure bleeder.  You can't use a vacuum bleeder because it just sucks the
> juice out of the master cylinder and I know that the manual method doesn't
> work.  All we got were some light puffs of air coming out of the system but
> the pedal still drops right to the floor with no resistance at all.
> Can anybody point me in the right direction here?  Any recommendations on a
> pressure bleeder?  How about a DIY model?  The manual says it needs a
> pressure of 32 psi but that seems quite high to me.
> Thanx!
>  Richard
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