[A4] Clutch Woes - Round 2

Tom Christiansen tomchr at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 07:37:27 PDT 2008


This <http://www.bmw-m.net/TechProc/bleeder.htm> is what I used. I was very
careful with the pressure. The fluid reservoir is only attached with gravity
and a couple of o-rings. I didn't want to pop it and have brake fluid
everywhere. Hydraulic fluid will eat your paint. So I used 15-20 PSI which
wasn't quite enough to bleed the brakes (I used a little pedal pressure for
that) but it was enough to bleed the clutch.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:38 PM, Richard Hurt <rnhurt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tom,
> It's looking like the pressure bleeder option is the way to go, and I'm
> certainly not scared of building it myself.  Do you have any details or pics
> on your build-out?  Is it something like this<http://faculty.ccp.edu/faculty/dreed/campingart/jettatech/bleeder/index.htm>or
> this <http://www.bmw-m.net/TechProc/bleeder.htm>?  What pressure did you
> use?
> Thanx!
>   Richard
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Tom Christiansen <tomchr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> I bled the clutch on my 1994 90S using a pressure bleeder. Easy...
>> I built my own pressure bleeder from a garden sprayer, an old brake fluid
>> reservoir cap, some hose, and a couple of hose nipples.
>> Tom
>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Richard Hurt <rnhurt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  OK, I just replaced both the master & slave clutch cylinders on my '98 Q
>>> 30v
>>> and boy was it fun!  The master was by far the hardest and took a couple
>>> of
>>> hours.  The secret to my installation was to use the firewall seal/steel
>>> washer off of the old master.  The new seal was too big for me to get in
>>> properly.  I'm talking about the seal that goes around the main line
>>> against
>>> the firewall - it only keeps out the rain and drafts and should be fine
>>> to
>>> use the old one.  The slave was really not too bad at all.  I took off
>>> the
>>> drivers side front tire and had my Dad guide me in.
>>> Now for the big question: how the hell do you bleed the clutch
>>> system!?!?!
>>> We tried the old 2-man manual method but didn't get anywhere.  We also
>>> tried
>>> the tube in a mason jar method with about the same results.  I looked a
>>> little bit on-line and it seems like our cars (+ SAAB & Volvo) require a
>>> pressure bleeder.  You can't use a vacuum bleeder because it just sucks
>>> the
>>> juice out of the master cylinder and I know that the manual method
>>> doesn't
>>> work.  All we got were some light puffs of air coming out of the system
>>> but
>>> the pedal still drops right to the floor with no resistance at all.
>>> Can anybody point me in the right direction here?  Any recommendations on
>>> a
>>> pressure bleeder?  How about a DIY model?  The manual says it needs a
>>> pressure of 32 psi but that seems quite high to me.
>>> Thanx!
>>>  Richard
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