[A4] Question 2, ABS Rebuilders...

Peter Kirby 4pkirby at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 12:45:06 PST 2009

What were the symptoms of ABS failure:

ABS light on?
ABS pulsation at low speed?
Getting disconnected from ECU when using VAG-COM?

I'm asking because on my car the ABS pulsates at very low speed when
braking yet the ABS light does not come on.  If I connect VAG-COM to
look at brake functions, everything is fine for a while and then I get
disconnected.  My mechanic immediately said it was the ECU but then we
did the same test on a A4 with working ABS and it also would
disconnect from the VAG-COM (albeit at higher speeds).



On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Derek Pulvino <dbpulvino at hotmail.com> wrote:
> So busy weekend planned.  Finally got some VAG-Com and confirmed the ABS unit is incommunicado.  The two places I'm looking at for rebuild are Module Masters in Moscow, Idaho and Auto Electronics in Rogersville, Tennessee.
> http://www.autoecu.com/http://www.modulemaster.com/en/wizard/bosch_53/bad_module.php
> MM is closer to Seattle, so shipping would be less, but AutoECU is less expensive (about $100 vs $160), offers a longer warranty (lifetime vs 5-yr), and covers return shipping costs.  My pocket-book says go with AutoECU.  Anybody have any bad experiences and/or recommendations for either?
> dp

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