[A4] A4 Digest, Vol 68, Issue 3

Peter Kirby 4pkirby at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 12:32:42 PDT 2009

I found an axle (drive shaft) rebuilding place (Entreprise Axle 2006 Inc
8600, boulevard Décarie, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 2N2
Telephone : 514-739-2953) about 30 km from where I live that sells the
ABS "reluctor" rings for $30 CDN.  These guys do the actual axle
rebuilds.   They must have a thousand drive shafts and another
thousand CV joints in various states in the place. It is a very small
shop so it would surprise me if they would be interested in sending
stuff in the mail.  The rings appear to be aluminum and the one I
bought (A4 q rear) went on the CV joint with a little heating and

It went back on the car last night and for the first time in about two
years my ABS no longer comes on when I am doing a low speed stop.

If there are a few people on the list who would be interested in
buying these rings, let me know.  Perhaps we can work something out.
I don't mind making one trip down there to get a few rings to mail out
to list members.

2001 1.8 tq A4 (with working ABS!!)

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Andy Lewis<a5lewis at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'd be really interested in finding out about this too.  Lost one of mine awhile ago and have been dealing with it.  Just put on new boots and the CV is great, so not worth me replacing the whole drive axle.

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