[A4] Headlights not turning on when cold out

Peter Kirby 4pkirby at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 13:53:35 PST 2009

I think you're right.  AFAIK, Audi does not use a relay for headlights. 
  Switches were a definite problem on the older Audi 90s (10V and 20V). 
  Any chance you are running higher wattage than normal bulbs?

'01 1.8tq A4

Tony Kowalczyk wrote:
> Hello Audi Fans,
> My 97's headlights do not turn on in the AM... the brights seem to work, turn signals, etc... but not the headlights... in the afternoon, they will turn on just fine...
> Has anyone encountered this?  I am thinking the switch... but not 100%

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