[A4] A4 Tiptronic slipping

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Jan 11 06:56:57 PST 2010

Scott Simmons wrote:
> The "all gears light up" means the transmission has detected a 
> fault and gone into "limp" mode.  

I took the car to the wrench. First check was diagnostics. I forget
the exact wording, but something along the lines "indeterminate
(something) failure", a sign that something was bad inside, not
outside.  He checked the TCU to make sure it wasn't water damaged.
It wasn't. Checked the fluid level -- down 4.5 quarts!  WTF!
Where does it go? And why don't I have a dipstick to check it?
He refilled the transmission. It shifts hard, but it shifts. Then
he noticed a leak at the bottom of the bell housing. He didn't pull
the pan or change the filter.

So, I'll keep an eye on the ground under the car, checking to see
how bad the leak is. And postpone the inevitable replacement. Ugh.


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