[A4] Cup holder unit in lower console

Richard Hurt rnhurt at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 12:31:29 PDT 2011

Cool, I found some help on the Audi World
 Apparently, its 2 bolts and 3 nuts, and I had those 2 bolts out earlier
today.  I was so close to getting it yesterday, but failed to do it.
 However, this morning  I was able to get it out pretty easily with the only
problem being the handbrake cover, which I think I broke the catch on.  :/

Unfortunately, I think my cupholder is actually broken and somebody on eBay
want's $80 for a new one!   I've tried to repair it as best I can with epoxy
and stiffening wires but I'm not sure it will hold.  Ah well, it's the best
I can do for now anyway.  :)


 Richard Hurt
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On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Richard van der Hoff <
quattro at rvanderhoff.org.uk> wrote:

> On 20/08/11 23:52, Richard Hurt wrote:
>> OK, my cup holder broke this weekend and I need to get it out.  I have a
>> 98.5 A4Q30v and the cup holder is just a couple of flaps sticking up from
>> the lower console.  I tried to get that lower console off/out but it looks
>> like its bolted on from the bottom!  Also, the A4 big book doesn't help.
>>  Has anyone here had any experience getting the cup holders out or at
>> least
>> the lower console disassembled?
>>  The console definitely isn't bolted on from the bottom. I can't quite
> remember it offhand, but I do remember having the same thought myself the
> first time I looked at it, before I figured it out. It's not trivial to get
> off, but not that bad once you know what you're doing.
> It comes off in two bits; the back half before the front half. As I recall
> there are a number of nuts holding it down, which you can undo with a socket
> once you've found the relevant flap to pry up. You also have to get the
> handbrake trim off before you can get the console out, iirc.
> If you're still struggling, ping me back and I'll go and try to remember
> how it comes apart.
> Cheers
> Richard
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