[A4] Under Engine Pan

J. Coleman jacolemn at rochester.rr.com
Thu Jun 2 11:42:35 PDT 2016

We have a 2002 A4 Avant with the 1.8 turbo engine. There is a fiber glass
pan (for want of a better name) under the engine, that you must take off
when changing oil and filter. 


So my question is this pan necessary? Have any of the readers of this list
just left it off. The question comes from significant damage to this pan
caused by running over a piece of firewood in the center of the road. The
wood flipped up and broke the rear of this pan and seriously bent the
attachment points. The broken pan now sits in the corner of the garage and
the car is running around without it. Makes oil changes a snap as well. Can
I just leave it off? 


Thanks for your advice,   Jim


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