[A8] 1998 Audi A8 transmission hunting/surge

John Markowitz markowij at musc.edu
Thu Jul 1 14:14:44 EDT 2004

Hi All:

I joined this list after surfing the internet and seeing some postings on the A8 transmission "hunting" and RPM surge issues at 40-50MPH. Saw many similar complaints/discussion on Audiworld site.

I only recently purchased the car with 97K on it and noticed none of this on initially driving the car, not did an independent pre-purchase inspection. As part of an agreement to purchase from the dealer I had the dealer do a major T-belt service with cam seals and the lot as well as all other scheduled maintenance including transmission service. THEN I started noticing the issue as did the mechanic who did pre-inspection. He's presently scratching his head on how he might resolve this problem and what is causing it...
ANYWAY excuse the verbose posting, but can anybody tell me what is the BOTTOM LINE on this issue regarding diagnosis/prognosis for the transmission-its a beautiful car but I'm seriously concerned...

Charleston, SC

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