[A8] A8 Digest, Vol 21, Issue 7

Britt Crowell Britt at BrittCrowell.com
Fri Oct 26 17:45:35 PDT 2007

I was just talking about the O-rings around the fuel injectors to be clear. 
I was some where around the 110,000 mark. If you look in the photos you can 
see that they were cracked pretty good. It was one of those I'm there, might 
as well do it kinda things.
Britt Crowell

> Thank you very much!
> How many miles on the car when you changed the O-rings?
> Did you change them just because you were in there or you felt a 
> difference in the perf. of the car?
> Tomas
> --------------------
> Sprint PCS Mail

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