[ba] [ADMIN] Vacation & Spam

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Nov 16 14:32:50 EST 2000

I thought I would let you all know that I'll be going on vacation with the
family for Thanksgiving week.  All the lists seem to be doing just fine, so
the only thing that may get suspended is approving posts that the server has
problems with.  If anything major happens get in touch with the master
listmeister Dan Simoes ... 

Since I'm posting to the lists ... you all probably saw the spam that was
posted to a number of the Audifans lists.  I will be contacting the person
who sent the message, but I did want to let you all know that the primary
reason this got through is that I have most of the lists configured so that
you need not be a member of the list in order to post.  If there is a large
outcry that this is a problem that needs to be solved I can easily change
it.  Right now the urq list is set up so that you must be a member in order
to post.  The V8, Torsen and BA-Group lists are set to open postings ...

Happy Thanksgiving all!
Steve Buchholz

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