[ba] Lunch?

Dan Hamren dan at magnitude-electronics.com
Fri Apr 20 17:59:05 EDT 2001

Well I get a whole 30 min lunch ... but I get off early so i don't
complain... I would like to meet some more of the BA guys though...but  not
this time..
*** HOT OFFER***
Hey does anybody need any Rambus Memmory Rimms?? they are for Memory Boards
with the intel 850 chipset for pentium 4s..anyway I have them in stock for
cheap.. and I just wanted to offer them to you guys because i can give you a
50 cents a meg


I have 64meg pc600 128meg 600-711-800 and 256meg pc600 all NEC 2000 date
code NON-ECC NEW!!

Sorry about the blatant comercialism, but It is too good a deal if you need
them, and after all we do have to use our computers to talk AUDI!! (required

Dan Hamren
Sales Representative
Magnitude Electronics LLC.
870 Mahler Rd Burlingame CA 94010
Tel 650-259-1890 Fax 650-259-1891

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