[ba] alignment shop recommendation

Nick Franks nfranks at tiaranetworks.com
Fri Aug 10 18:23:41 EDT 2001

I agree with Steve's comment about Wheel Works. I was there a few days ago
for a rebalance and not impressed with the help. I am also interested in
finding a shop for an alignment.


-----Original Message-----
From: Buchholz, Steven [mailto:Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 1:48 PM
To: Bay Area Audi List
Subject: RE: [ba] alignment shop recommendation

... sorry to hear about your altercation Harrison!  Good to know that you
came through it safely ... I hope that you got the twit's license number!
If you did and there was more than $100 in damage to your car you may want
to contact the CHP and file a report.  I do have a couple sets of wheels in
the garage that you are welcome to in the short term if you need them to get
the car back on the road.  I think they are all 5x112 though.  

As to the refinishing ... when I looked into it on the V8 there didn't seem
to be any other local wheel refinishers besides Wheel Techniques.  I know
that there are other places that advertise in AutoWeek and such.  Perhaps
Acker Wheels might be another place ... they say they only sell wheels, but
they might also have the ability to refinish them.  

I'm not going to be much help on the alignment info either.  I just wanted
to ask you to let us know if you do find a good source ... I really need to
get an alignment done on the V8.  Funny thing for me is that a couple years
ago there was no question, I'd go to Wheel Works, but nowadays it seems like
I'd rather go anywhere else ...

Good luck!
Steve Buchholz

... your story reminds me about one time I was driving to work on 101 near
the airport a couple years ago ... I got cut off by a jerk in a black
Exploder with Virginia plates.  I didn't write the number down, but I've
wondered if it wasn't the same guy who got convicted for tossing Leo out
onto the freeway.  We always wish that the folks who do act so aggressively
toward others do get their come-uppance some day.  I will wish that for the
jerk who felt they were more important than you ... SLB

> I was run off the road into a curb in order to avoid a major 
> accident from a
> crazed SUV driver. I swerved to avoid major damage and the 
> right front wheel
> suffered a hard but glancing blow to the curb.
> Now the wheel needs serious cosmetic help and is in unknown shape. My
> alignment is also screwed up from the way the steering wheel rests.
> Any recommendations or past experiences where I can/should 
> have alignment
> checked from some one who knows Audi in San Jose area. My 
> usual local shop
> is backlogged 2-3 weeks. M&M Audi? Wheel Techniques for repair?
> Thanks
> --
> Harrison Blackwood
> Los Gatos, CA
> '90 Audi CQ     
> '81 BMW R100RS     
> '60 Triumph TR3A   
> http://www.killjoy.net 
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